STAR Ticketing Seminar 2019

Wednesday 3rd July 2019 1.15pm-4.30pm The Other Palace, 12 Palace Street, London, SW1E 5JA

STAR members can register up to three representatives from their organisation, free of charge, for the AGM, members' lunch and the afternoon seminar.

There is also an opportunity during the afternoon for STAR members to meet with Will Quekett, the STAR Council member who has led on training and apprenticeships. Will is available for a limited number of one-to-one meetings with STAR members to discuss how employers can recruit and train Ticketing Apprentices or provide in-service training. If you would like to book one of these meetings, please indicate this when registering. We will contact you later to confirm a time for your meeting, if there are still places available.

The cost of the seminar for non-STAR members is £150. Members of UK Theatre, Society of London Theatre, Society of Box Office Managers, National Arenas Association and Concert Promoters Association pay only £75. If you are a member of one of these organisations and do not have the appropriate discount code, please contact

1.15pm - 1.20pm

Welcome - Richard Brundle, Chairman of STAR

1.20pm - 1.45pm

Some of our most recent members talk about the problems they face with ticketing, why they joined STAR and the value they are looking for from membership.


  • Richard Brundle


  • Chris McGuigan, Group Director of Marketing and Sales, HQ Theatres
  • Richard Harris, Head of Ticketing, Membership and New Events, Rugby Football Union
  • Paul Smyth, Head of Ticketing, The FA Group

1.45pm - 2.25pm

After many years of mobile ticketing being hailed as the next big thing, we are finally seeing an increase in its use, with many more tickets now being delivered to smartphones. What are the pitfalls and benefits? Why have we had to wait so long? Who’s doing it?

An opportunity to hear from companies now using mobile ticketing technology.


  • Richard Brundle


  • Paul Newman, Director of Ticketing, AXS
  • Gillian Henderson, Senior Director for Business Development, Ticketmaster

2.25pm - 3.05pm

While there has been considerable focus in recent years on the excesses of the secondary ticket market, what does good resale look like? With many ticket agents now operating their own, not for customer profit, resale facilities, where is resale heading and how can it benefit the industry and its customers.

We will be looking at the implications in sports, music and theatre, with an update on how the unauthorised resale of tickets can be limited with terms and conditions that are not unfair to consumers.


  • Richard Howle, Director of Ticketing, The Ticket Factory


  • Dale Ballentine, Chief Operating Office, Eventim
  • Pauline Fallowell, Head of Sales and Audience Insight, Bridge Theatre
  • Rich Major, Chief Strategy Officer, See Tickets

3.05pm - 3.25pm

Tea Break and Networking

3.25pm - 3.45pm

A quick-fire round where we’ll pose a number of challenging dispute scenarios that STAR has dealt with and, using the app for your responses, find out how you think it would be best to resolve them.

3.45pm - 4.25pm

A rumour, a court case, a news story, a terrible truth a rotten lie… Gossip now spreads on a global scale, as never before, and can have a serious impact on events and ticket sales. How do you deal with these things? What are the best ways to stand up to ‘social pressure’ and handle commercial relationships with partners that might be affected?

Scott Langham, Director, freuds

David Cummins, Associate Director (Digital Lead, Film and Entertainment) freuds

4.25pm - 4.30pm


At the end of the seminar, the theatre bar will be open for networking and delegates will get a 25% discount on drinks on presentation of their seminar badge.